Tuesday, February 24, 2009

St Patrick Day Craft

Ok, so I really had a cute Valentine's day themed house, and Ienjoyed it enough to try to find some St Paddy's day crafts, but I can't find them! So, I came up with one on my own -- here it is:


I thought it turned out pretty cute.

I have been busy doing other things, I just am fighting with uploading video and I am not quite ready to give up yet. . . soon, I will though! :)
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Ear Star


You wouldn't think the little white star would cause as much excitement as it did last night. Yesterday, Ryan started complaining that his ear was hurting REALLY bad -- he has a little cold so I just figured oh, he must have an ear infection. I gave some Ibuprophen and thought let's see what happens. He took a nap and woke up complaining about his ear. I asked Jake if he wanted me to take him to Urgent Care to have him checked, he said let's see what it looks like before we decide -- we went down to the office and looked in his ear with otoscope and there was a white obstruction -- so Jake and I fished around a little and this little star appeared! Ryan denies playing with this little star and denies anyone playing around with something like this -- so we are still puzzled by how it got there, but I assure you if he "grows" another one, we are going public :) -- anyway that is how we spent our Valentine's Night!
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

More Valentine Crafts

So, I guess I am going crazy with the whole Valentine's thing this year. . . I just finished a couple more things, and since well nothing exciting is going on here that merits pics, I will blog about my projects :).
The shovels are somehting I do every year, it just depends on the age of the kids who gives them away, this year will be Ryan and Spencer. The shovel says "I dig you" and has some Hershey's kisses. I think they are really cute, and look like I have great imagination :).

The banner, is from a class I took at the Scrapbooking store but assembled at home, yep I actually finished it -- that is amazing, but I think they all turned out cute. My next big dilemma is what am I going to decorate for next?!:)-- does anyone have any cute projects they have seen lately?


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Sunday, February 8, 2009

One of Jake's Dreams Fulfilled

Ever since Jake and I have been married, he has talked about having "Bishop Perkins make him a saddle when we could afford it". I asked the first time he mentioned it how much they were, and since it was more than we could afford, I knew it was one of those dreams that might, or might not be fulfilled.

Last summer, Jake and I flew home a few days before our boys did, and he we drove past Bishop Perkins saddlery and he said should I have him start that saddle? I didn't point out that he didn't have a horse, before I answered, I just said, go for it. So, last July he ordered his saddle, and half was put down on the saddle. We laughed how that was all of his Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary etc gifts for a REALLY long time and moved on. At Christmas, the saddle wasn't done and I got him some gifts, even though it was his really long time gift, the boys would think we didn't love him, wouldn't they? So, Friday night Bishop Perkins called AFTER we got home from temple night (like 10:30) and I panicked when the phone rang, what is wrong in Utah, handed Jake the phone, low and behold he was down in AZ WITH Jake's saddle!!! So, last night, he pikce up his saddle. . .


He made some chaps to go with the saddle.

I guess Bishop Perkins had an auction down here for cowboy stuff and showed off his saddle and chaps to others. He built a saddle horse to show the saddle at it, and just gave that to Jake, so I am sure the saddle will get lots of breaking in on the "horse"

Look, there is even room for two!
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Ryan was interested in the chaps, even tried them on, they will probably fit in about four or five years!

Well Jake, happy everything for about the next long while, love ya, and thanks for all your sacrifices for us! -- one more side note, when we picked up the saddle, Ryan asked Bishop Perkins why there were acorn on the saddle, he said it was because a nut made it, and I said no, it was because a nut was buying it and riding it :)!