Sometimes I just have to laugh at things that happen with kids. This past week was filled with those, "You've got to be KIDDING me!" situations! On Tuesday, the boys had dentist appointments. . .No worries, I will pick them up at school and run them to the dentist right after school -- just a note to tell the teachers! Well, I get to school, granted about on time, but I wasn't in a hurry, because I was just making sure we would be to the dentist on time, we don't need to be early and I had more than enough time. The boys go to a school of choice school, so there are fewer buses and more car traffic than any other school I have ever seen, maybe an exaggeration, but I digress. So, I go, find Ryan but there is no easily identifiable fifth grade area to pick up the kids, no teachers, nothing. So, I don't see child number one and go to the office, they do an all call on the intercom, and his first and third grade teachers are in front of the office, laughing, they love Jacob. Sometimes, I wonder though, no Jacob. Then they call the bus, yep, he's on the bus, but they have a stop not far from the school, so they will wait for me at the bus stop. The secretary tells me where the bus stop is and the quickest route there. Ryan is in the car, and I ask if this is right, I think so. . .We go and pass some kids walking home, I get worried when he says let's ask the walker where the bus is -- no bus where the secretary tells me, we try again. They have the wrong place noted on the paper for the school. Great. We find the bus at the school a half mile from the place where they send me, we are holding up the kids and I am one of those parents that has to WAIT PATIENTLY on the other side, love that part and I felt terrible this day. Apparently, he remembered but they had already left the school, so much for teachers reminding kids with notes, and the office had just e-mailed a request of no calls, just notes. . .I like the phone calls, he remembers longer. Oh well. Dentist visit went ok, one child has a cavity, but it is going to fall out soon, and it isn't bothering him, so why fill it? I love my Dentist, that is HIS philosophy, not a cheap mom's. Wednesday, no stress day -- RIGHT? WRONG. My phone rings about quarter of four. The school -- oh great, what teacher can't bear my children one more instant? Mrs. Allison on the other end. Ummm, Mrs. DeGraffenried, this is Linda Allison, (I think, oh great, she already doesn't love me, what now?) Hello, I respond. Jacob wasn't happy about something in class today, and stayed after to talk to me, and has missed his bus and needs a ride home -- Jacob has tutoring right after school, and it is ten minutes to get him from school and then I would need to get him to the tutor right away, and Ryan is on the bus and it drops off at our local elementary school. . .How do I become wonder woman and get both kids and get them where they need to be? No worries, I will get Jake to help, he agrees he can go get Jacob at school and meet me at the tutors, Ryan has just started going. . .I pick Ryan up and drop him off at Mrs Sylvester's. No Jake and no Jacob. Oh dear. I call Jake, he is STILL AT WORK -- he figured Jacob could wait at school! GREAT! I go and get Jacob and apologize for picking him up nearly an HOUR after school gets out and do my regular routine. . .
I can't wait until I miss this. Life is so fun, and I truly can't wait until I can look back and laugh about this point in life.
On a funny side note, that has been a big topic at our house. We are going on a family vacation this next week -- no "family" vacation this summer -- Jake couldn't or wouldn't take off, so this next week we are going on a fun one. But Jacob has been opposed to going since we started talking about it. "I am not going!!!" is about how any conversation goes, I finally asked him WHY he wasn't going? He said: "It doesn't have an Amusement park, or a Casino so I am NOT GOING!!!" A casino, huh?! Since when did casino's enter into our decision process?! I think he has been i one when he was about three in Las Vegas while we walked through the town on our overnighter. . .Kids, they are always an adventure!
Mary Jordan took this picture during the summer. This picture pretty much summed up my boys feelings about pictures that day, but really she is AMAZING! If you live around Gilbert, you might CHECK her out!