Sunday, September 12, 2010

Priorities, Priorities. . .

This has been a super fun week! We had a few friends over on Monday to enjoy a little labor day picnic. For the party, I made ice cream balls prior to them coming for the kids to make ice cream sundaes with. . .they told me I needed a picture. . .obviously, it didn't turn out very well, but it was a fun way to have our ice cream.


The past week, I have come home from my workout to find Jake and Jacob UP and SWIMMING! Jake has decided that they both could use some of that. . .I am impressed, my husband is the one who didn't ever get up without an alarm, and NEVER before 7:00 am. . .I am impressed, because it is kind of chilly in that water, and I wouldn't get in!


Now for the priorities, or lack of priorities. . .
On Thursday, I was in my weight training class, and it is a pretty large class. The instructor took a class with me back in May. We started a snowman quilt.
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I got quite a ways, in fact my top of my quilt and all but the last little bit were done before July. But then, I got hung up on my signature block. I know, should be easy. . .SHOULD be easy, but I have opinions on fonts and how things look on computer things. . .and then, well, we moved, and then well. . .I never got back to my quilt. Well, fastforward to last Thursday, I am in my class, getting ready to do the triceps, when the teacher hollars out to a fairly full class, "Hey Deana! Did you get your quilt done?!" "No." "What, did you get your quilt done?!" (I am in the back of a full class) -- "Uh, no, I moved, remember?!" Guess when my priorities went from unpacking, and maybe putting a picture up in my house. . .there is only one up in the whole house, and it is in the room only the "chosen" will see :). To finding my quilt top, making my signature block. . .

and finishing this bad boy! Oh yeah, and I had to field inquiries on our other house that we are renting -- only six or seven showings, and a hundred phone calls! I think we have that bad boy rented. . .we will see on that.

Oh yeah, and I finally broke down and read Mockingjay -- has anyone finished it? I am dying to discuss it. . .you know, when you throw the priorities out the window, you really throw them out the window. . .Maybe this week, I will get my house put together!


Nicole said...

Whoa D! You've been busy this week! The quilt looks amazing! Love the signature block idea, I'm not a quilter so I didn't know that's something you do. Did you like Mockingjay? I just started Hunger Games.
Looks like you guys are really enjoying that pool!!

Natalie said...

wow! i have to say, I'm loving your priorities! haha

amazing job, my little quilter! i hope you don't hate that quilt because it took awhile to complete. i want everyone to enjoy the that you'll quilt with me another day!

Sara said...

super cute quilt! I'm excited that you have a pool now too. A pool is in my wish list for our next house.

Emily said...

So it looks like you guys moved! That is so exciting. I hope you really enjoy the new house! Good luck getting things all set up!

Unknown said...

Woweee!!!! I Love It, Love It, Love It. I can't believe It Is Done.
It was fun to go shopping for fabric and see it all come together.Beautiful.
Thank You For Sharing That With Me.

Lorraine said...

Getting quilts done is always hard. Today I spent the day putting a binding on a printed fabric quilt my mom did. She bought the fabric when we were married in 1971 and finished quilting it maybe 15-20 years ago. I'm determined to finish off some of my quilting projects. Good luck on yours. Don't be like me and keep starting new ones before finishing the old ones.