Saturday, March 10, 2012

Las Vegas

Jake and I went to Las Vegas for a couple of  days in February so Jake could do continuing ed classes.  While he is in class, I get to wander around the convention floor and find the new gadgets for his office.  I describe it as I like to wander the convention floor about as much as he likes to go to the mall.  I just don't get excited about pet products and vet drugs.  I know, I know where are my priorities. But, I was able to win a 75$ gift card because of my determination, too bad no Ipad though.  I also have a 5$ Subway card, a 5$ Target card and a 10$ Starbucks card, so my time wasn't all wasted. 
While we were there, we went to the Bellagio and saw the dancing fountains, I love to watch them!  They are amazing!!  I also went and did the body exhibit -- I loved it.  Jake thought that it was terrible, I just said I was glad he didn't have to go.  I think the human body is amazing, and in the exhibit, they had some parts of the body preserved as I had never seen -- they had the blood vessels throughout the body on display and it had been preserved that way.  They forbade cameras, so no pictures.  We were going to go to a show, but we weren't on our game, so we just wandered.  We stayed at the Luxor and I liked it -- I wore a pedometer and it was amazing how far I walked, and walked, and walked!  It was fun, but I am glad to be home!
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Jenson Family said...

Ooooh! I miss the time when I could meet you out there!!!! I loved the body exhibit too - amazing!

Nicole said...

Lots of new posts!! You guys have been busy doing fun things! :)