Saturday, March 10, 2012

True Blue

The month of February has been a very busy month, we installed a new computer system at Jake's work, learned a new program for Jake's office, redid the front of Jake's office, several field trips, a trip to Las Vegas. . .and get ready for Ryan's LAST pinewood derby!!!!  This one was the hardest.  Ryan has done very well in the Pinewood derby, so he has very high expectations.  This year we were worried.  Really worried.  But, somehow. . . we got True Blue up and Running, the day before the race.  I was due FIVE days before.  Aaack! 
True Blue didn't disappoint.  It only got beat by one car and came in third overall -- unfortunately, they didn't race it against the second place car. . . but when you are in charge, it is really hard to say something. . .and who cares.  We were just glad that there was a car to race, and that it won a race. 
My sweet friend Amy took the photo of Ryan on the top, she is a photographer and did most of the work on the awards and made pit passes. . .she is pretty much amazing!  It was fun for the boys, and it is good to have it done!   Way to go Ryan and troop 498, you are all amazing!
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