Sunday, June 7, 2009

A site you have GOT to TRY!

Ok, I love photography, not to great at it, but I do like it. I took pictures of my friend's baby girl, and had lot's of fun. . .her little girl Brooke, was there and wanting some of the attention, you know the new baby is getting more attention. So, I took some cute ones of her too, There are some really cute ones of just Brooke, but there was one that was super cute, specially if we could get rid of her mom in the corner. . .We still love you Nicole. . .So, I worked on it a little in Photoshop Elements. . . it was cute, but there are tons of super cute ones, so we didn't go any further. . .Yesterday, on one of my favorite photo sites, they gave a website that is for people that Photoshop is a little more than you want to get into, so, I went and played around on it. I have some fun pics of my boys, but for the most part there wasn't that "problem" in it. . .so I took Brooke's picture and played around with it --- to fix the problems, it took me all of two minutes! So, here is the before and after. . .



The site, if you are interested, is! Let me know what you think!
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Jessie said...

Those look great!! Ya, I'm a huge picnik fan! For my birthday, I purchased the "premium" membership - and now I won't post a picture on blog or hang it on my wall until I take it thru picnik first!

Emily said...

wow, deana, you did such a great job. i will definitely have to check out that sight!

Nicole said...

That is the cutest little girl! That turned out super cute! Looks like a great site!
ps I'm going to have to print that one off in a big size.

The Mann Clann said...

Thanks for the heads up. I've used it a couple of times since you posted it on your blog. Lots of fun!