Thursday, March 18, 2010

St Patricks Day

The kids are on spring break this week, and other than a trip to San Diego for the weekend, we have very few plans. So, I schemed in and came up with a way for us to incorporate our very good friends from our old ward and try to meet some new friends from our new ward. St Patricks Day party was the perfect reason to have a party! So, since I have been making invitations for other peoples parties, I decided that I could make an invitation, to make me really do it :) -- twenty minutes later -- I had the invitation -- printing at Costco, and less than 2.00 later we had all the invitations we needed! I thought they turned out cute.

So, I found a super cute cupcake recipe on Family Fun website, but I was not going to be patient enough to make rainbow cupcakes, enter in bundt cake pan. . .I made it the night before and left it upside down in the cake pan when I went to bed. I was pretty disappointed to find that my stone bundt cake didn't release!!!! So, I did my best to get it out -- it was ugly where it stuck in a couple of places -- panic -- enter Cool Whip -- you know kind of like a cloud -- sprinkles, and it was darling!

I didn't do a bunch of games -- we are at the park, right? But, I did have the older kids and then anyone who wanted to dig for money in the sand -- there were pennies and dimes in the sand, the older and some of the younger really liked this!

There was also a pot of gold that the kids had to find and then divy out the loot -- Spencer amazed me, he didn't play one of the games -- he was too busy hauling things from my house -- I was amazed at the things he brought over -- sterile gloves (not anymore), betadine, bandaids, gatorade, water, toys -- you name it -- I guess he just to make sure that no one got seriously injured -- fortunately no injuries!
My kind parents and neice came, and so did my SIL from Oklahoma -- she is here visiting her patents, but somehow makes it to all our fun activities -- here is her cute little girl --

Thanks everyone for coming -- it was fun -- we will have to do something again soon!


Nicole said...

Thanks D for doing the party! We had a super fun time!

Allie said...

How fun! And I love the cake!! I'll have to try it out!